More 3rd Party Goodness – Boneshees & Farseers

As you folks know, my desire to complete this Warhost is not restricted to normal production models... so when I see something mind blowing, I jump on it.Artel Miniatures is one such company to join the growing list of amazing sculptors. I've just had my Farseer Macha...

Warp Spider Phoenix Lord – A Story of Clavicle Cleaving

Steve the Man has just sorted out the latest addition to the Dras'Volharr - In the form of a completed Warp Spider Phoenix Lord diorama... Seeing what a Chaos Terminator lord is really made of inside.This is what you get when a Warp Spider Phoenix Lord decides to open...

Warp Spider Phoenix Lord – Complete!

### UPDATE: 9/05/2017 - There have been numerous folks seemingly with their panties in a twist over this model - It is NOT for sale, I am making no profit, cashing in, etc etc - The model is purely appropriated (at considerable personal expense) to fill a gap and...

The A-Team – Warp Spider Phoenix Lord Concept

So some of you have asked where this gem came from. Well, it has been a consortium effort... made up of the following;1. Addinarr from Deviantart - The original concept mastermind. I found Addinarr's artwork many years ago and kept the photo in my archives for future...

Warp Spider Phoenix Lord – Update #4

And now we start to see the beast in all its glory - one or two minor adjustments to the model and it will be finished... ready to find a commissioned artist to do the final touches. Thrilled? That's an understatement... Mariano has nailed this commission 10 fold over.