Beer Cozy Gate, Three Large Event Results! Oh my!

Tournament results for Warhammer 40k 9th edition! This time we have 3 large events results and some amazing drama that can't go unspoken! The post Beer Cozy Gate, Three Large Event Results! Oh my! appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

Daemons Dominate again, this time at a Down Under GT

GT results for Warhammer 40k 9th edition! With an odd top 3 of Daemons, Imperial Fists, and Tyranids leading the way. The post Daemons Dominate again, this time at a Down Under GT appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

A Major from Norway and the surprising Dark God results!

Major results for Warhammer 40k 9th edition! Once again no Space Marines in the top 3 with Daemons, Harleuqins, and Ad-mech leading the way. The post A Major from Norway and the surprising Dark God results! appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

A GT Without any Winning Space Marine Armies!

GT results for Warhammer 40k and no winning Space Marines in the Top 3! Make way for Adeptus Custodes, Orks, and Death Guard! The post A GT Without any Winning Space Marine Armies! appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.