Digital Projects & MathHammer 8th Edition Update – 40K Blog

It’s been some time since my last update to MathHammer. Not since January. Oppps. But I have some updates to list today and I’ll share my vision for MathHammer and my other digital projects. Distinct lack of hobby posts due to moving house – sorry...

40K Companion Example – A Warhammer 40K Phase-By-Phase Helper

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s been some time since I got anything significant done on 40K Companion. Christmas, New Year and work has got in the way. But I’ve recently got a little time in on it and made some fairly useful changes. And now I have...

40K Companion – A Warhammer 40K Phase-By-Phase Helper

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesFor some time now I’ve been working on a new web-based tool for players of 40K. It’s based the fact that there are now masses of rules, and how I struggle with that – remembering everything including Guard. Orders,...