Flashback Friday – N’dras Tau Part 3 – Suit Up!

  Hey everyone!  Welcome to Flashback Friday, where I revisit old armies I have painted from the past.  I have painted thousands of models and who knows how many huge armies on commission, and each one holds a special place in my heart. I enjoy looking...

Flashback Friday – N’dras Tau Part 1 – HQs

Hello everyone! Brandon here from GMM Studios with a little blast from the past. This is Flashback Friday, where I revisit old armies I have painted from the past.  I have painted thousands of models and who knows how many huge armies on commission, and...

Flashback Friday – 501st Krieg Naval Reserve Part 3

 Hello everyone! Brandon here from GMM Studios with a little blast from the past. This is Flashback Friday, where I revisit old armies I have painted from the past.  I have painted thousands of models and who knows how many huge armies on...

Heroes & Villains of the 40k Universe – Flashback

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have or have seen from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday... Way back nearly fifteen years ago, Games Workshop put out two commemorative sets of finely...