40k Flashback- GW’s Customer Rewards Program

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have or have seen from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday... Way back in the late 1990's and early 2000's Games Workshop had a customers rewards program for Mail...

The First Whirlwind Kit- 40k Flashback

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have or have seen from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday... Behold the Mk1 Whirlwind, with 1990's box art from Games Workshop's "Red" period.  This was a...

Flashback Friday – Complementary Necrons

Hello everyone! Brandon here from GMM Studios with a little blast from the past. This is Flashback Friday, where I revisit old armies I have painted from the past.  I have painted thousands of models and who knows how many huge armies on commission, and...

40k Flashback- The First Tyranids?

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have from back in the day.  Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday. Well I don't think Tyranids can talk, but if they did I imagine they would talk snake like? This was...

The First Warhammer 40k Novel?

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have or have seen from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday... I think this was one of the, if not the first Warhammer 40k novel produced.  It was...