The Floodgates Open

Wow, here we are just a few weeks away from Sixth Edition, and finally the rumor floodgates have opened and begun to spew forth information...There's a quite a few places where rumors are put up piecemeal, but Imperius Dominatus has a fantastic round-up that seems to...

Adepticon 2012

All right!Plane tickets purchased.Hotel accommodations secured, reservation confirmation number acquired.I'm ready for Adepticon.This is my first year going, and I'm pretty pumped!I'll be playing in the team tournament and attending a painting class...and wanting to...

Thinking About How I Play

So, after the debacle that was 'aaaaard Boyzzz, I've been giving some serious thought to how I play.I made some pretty serious mistakes that cost me games, or (at the very least) hamstrung my efforts at winning. Here's a prime example: In game 1, I had a unit of...

Video Battle Report up on BoLS

I played a game with CrazyRedPraetorian and we made a video battle report from it. It's up on BoLS if you'd like to see proof that I actually do play the game. :)

Back in the Game!

I heard you missed me, I'm back. :)After several months of being out of the game (literally) I'm back for the attack, baby.In fact, I played in my first tournament in over a year over this past weekend and didn't win, but made it to table 3...which is where things...