Tribute to Ciaphus Cain, Hero of the Imperium

 Commissar Ciaphus Cain, Hero  is a character invented by Alex Stewart, writing as Sandy Mitchell for Black Library. He is accompanied by his aide, Gunner First Class Jurgen.I made this model some years ago and it has languished in a box in the garage....

40K Imperial Knight

As part of my general clear out connecting with the renovation of my house, I was about to sell this knight.I really do not have a use for the model but my beautifully painted chaos marine warband on expensive resin stands went for about one quarter new price on...
The Black Knight

The Black Knight

Finished my Knight model. I decided to go for a gloss black finish to give a suitably sinister appearance but it is awful to photo especially in the Spring light.  I went for a much simpler colour scheme than GW's show models as they look too finicky: great when...
Primed and Polished

Primed and Polished

Finished the first draft of a novel for Baen Books at the weekend so I decided to celebrate by assembling and priming an Imperial Knight model.It went together fairly well with only the odd bit that didn't seem to fit anywhere.I elected for a Melta Cannon as the...