Five Parsecs Turn 6: Money For Nothing

A combination of being busy and being sick has meant missing a couple scheduled games recently, and I’ve been wanting to actually see some of the cyberpunk terrain I’ve been working on on the tabletop…so this seems like a good time for another Five...

Five Parsecs Turn 5: The Crew’s First Loss

When we last left the crew of the Azure Dawn, they were about to embark on a mission for a VIP, Hiram Nox, escorting him to a dead drop in the rather unpleasantly crime ridden world of Nocarth. How’d that turn out? Well, as the title suggests…not well. The...

Five Parsecs: New Planet, Who Dis?

So it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything 5 Parsecs related, because it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. There are reasons for that – everything is fine, but I’m also tired in my soul. And I’ve been (thankfully)...

Five Parsecs Turns 3 and 4: Enemies Old and New

I’ve been playing a lot of Five Parsecs from Home recently primarily because, well, I’m taking this week off. This installment we have some Rivals, and the plot beginning to thicken, with one game that was comically short, and one that was longer than I...

Five Parsecs from Home Turn Two: “The Lonely Outpost”

Back with some more adventures of the Azure Dawn, having gotten some breathing space at work, painted up a *ton* of terrain (not just for 5 Parsecs but not not for 5 Parsecs), and clearing off the dining room table. Flush from their victory over the corporate security...