XP 104 – Differences between 8th Ed WHFB and KoW 2nd Ed.

Well the Age of Sigmar is upon us and while some are all in, others are not. Today’s cast is meant for those who are looking for a replacement non skirmish mass combat game. Andrew and Rob get together and talk Kings of War since 2nd Ed has just released and...

OH EP 72 – Buckeye Battles 2015!

Today is our massive 2015 Buckeye Battles Coverage! Our personal favorite event of the year. Hear Andrew joined by Bob Chenevert, Mark Zielinski, Rob Phaneuf, Lenny Szatkowski, Justin Burgy, and Jeff Parkhurst!   Also Check out our event OH-Con!

XP 100 – What I hope to see in 9th Ed WHFB!

With all the 9th ed rumors and wish listing out there, Andrew goes over his top 5 hopes for WHFB! 5. Get rid unbalanced aspects of the game such as Ethereal, how most infantry sucks, BS Shooting not being viable, Extremes in magic phases ect….! 4. Some Craziness...