A Tale of “X” Gamers – Tau 005.

    Hello!   Well guys I’m back to my Tau Army. They’ve been on hold for a couple of months now and I blame that on “adult life”, being too lazy to work on them and my disappointment with 40K, however, the new edition and the experimentation with some...

Eldar Vs Orks – Battle Report (Versão em português).

  Dear Reader,   Today’s update is the Portuguese version of the Battle Report published here on the blog yesterday. In case you missed it you can click this link to read it, not only finding out how the Orks got beaten but also finding yourself a 10%...

A Tale of “X” Gamers – Tau 004.

    Hello folks.   Going on with the project I’ll continue with my troop choices for this post. After agreat deal I’ve purchased enough used miniatures to assemble two 12 man Fire Warrior squads and a 6 man Pathfinder squad.   I’ve also managed to...

A Tale of “X” Gamers – Orks 005.

    Hello Folks.   This is my 5th article from a series about “A Tale of X Gamers – ToXH” where I’ll build a 2000 point Ork army for the Warhammer 40K game.   On the previous month I finished panting my Warlord, Ghazghkull Thraka. This month I...

A Tale of “X” Gamers – Orks 004.

Hello folks.   This is my fourth article from a series about “A Tale of X Gamers – ToXH” where I’ll build a 2000 point Ork army for the Warhammer 40K game.   On the previous article I presented my full army list and miniatures set. I’ve opted to purchase all...