No, Fear the Reaper! Really!

We've looked at Swooping Hawks, Striking Scorpions, and Shining Spears. The ugly stepchildren have been covered in some depth, so now I'm moving on to one of our more crunchy units: Dark Reapers!Now I don't cotton to these new-fangled (i.e. 5th edition) dark reaper...

Striking Scorpions

We've looked at Swooping Hawks, we've looked at Shining Spears. Let's mix things up with an assault unit: Striking Scorpions! But assault is nerfed! There's no point in running assault units because assault sucks! Farseer Fail why are you wasting time with melee...

Shining Spears? Really?

Yeah, Shining Spears! What, you wanna fight? Well, maybe Shining Spears. I mean, sure. Why not?I'll even break it down for ya like I did with the Swoopies, Farseer Fail-style. But why, O Farseer Fail, WHY? Aren't the Shining Spears the one unit that is consistently...

Here’s How I Look At Eldar Now

I should be in the garage painting up any of a thousand different models, but I'm lazy and decided to write this instead. With the new codex release, Teh Webz is all a-twitter with new meta builds, Eldar fanboy gushing, Eldar hater rage and all the usual nonsense that...