[NOVA FAQ] – Dear Mike…(99 Problems Continues…)

[NOVA FAQ] – Dear Mike…(99 Problems Continues…)

Mike, I figure the most open and honest way to go through this is to read the draft FAQ {http://www.novaopen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/NOVA-FAQ-v6th.1-DRAFT.pdf} and to simply type as I read it - this may mean some questions get answered as I progress, but I...
Armies In Focus; 6th Edition: Allies

Armies In Focus; 6th Edition: Allies

Obviously, I will continue to discuss Allies individually alongside each of the Armies in Focus articles, but I felt it worthwhile to compile thoughts on each into one concise article for easy reference.  We're all still getting used to the concept afterall, and...

Just to Formalise My Claims of Precognisance…

This whole 'models are able to Snap Shoot while Pinned' malarky - I suggested, over a year ago, that Dark Angels Intractable special rule should see them able to fire whilst Pinned, but always counting as having moved irrespective of the reality.Read more?

Forgotten Friends: The Phoenix Lords!

I'm sure that other sites will cover the much-vaunted (or maligned, for the pessimistic) psykers of the Eldar warhost elsewhere. Let's take a look at how 6th Edition has changed things up for our old pals the Phoenix Court (with perhaps a little discussion of their...