Everything I Painted in 2023

I did one of these last year mostly as an exercise in accountability; it turned out to be a great way of remembering just what I’d achieved on the hobby front and I resolved to repeat the endeavour again this year.Last year’s headline figure was a grand total of 255...

Everything I painted in 2022

 I'm starting 2023 as I mean to go on - late.Let's not beat around the bush, this is just another roundup post - but at least in this instance none of the figures here have been shown off yet, so it's all new never-before seen stuff.2022 was an...

Epic Imperial Guard Army

With an unexpected house move on the cards later this month, I've been trying to round off a few projects recently.  This has been the impetus I've needed to get some painting done that's been sat on my desk for months - years, in one particularly embarrassing...

6mm Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons

At the end of last year, I talked about a new project to bring the Palladian Guard to life by doing an Epic army.  This would let me collect an army on a much larger scale than 40K does, and let me play one of GW's classic games.  It's time for an update!  They're...

Breakthrough: Battle of the Lys River Bridgehead

The last few months have seen a gentle campaign going on in the background, set in the Armentieres sector of the Western Front in Spring 1918. The British are resisting the opening phase of Operation Georgette, part of the famous German Spring Offensives.  This was an...