by Peter Ball | Jun 3, 2016
Would anyone in this vicinity like to have a wargame? I have a plethora of faults, as you can tell by reading this blog, but I urge you to set against them the potential 12' by 6' playing area available in the attic, and the abundance of terrain available here....
by Colonel Scipio | May 19, 2016
We've been following the 4th Texas Infantry through every engagement of the American Civil War. From a minor scrap with McClellan's Peninsular army a year ago, we're now in Pensylvannia fighting the infamous Battle of Gettysburg - the war's bloodiest engagement, and...
by Peter Ball | Mar 21, 2016
Note: I wrote this before my last post, so don't be confused if it seems retrograde.I have a few projects on the go at the minute. I am almost at the end of building the village, I think. The "Mosque", a small building, and a couple of large ones will round it out...
by Peter Ball | Mar 14, 2016
A 28mm Renegade 18-pdr gun with its 6mm counterpart from Baccus. Guess where this is going!
by Colonel Scipio | Mar 10, 2016
The Battle of Antietam, or Sharpsburg as it was known in the Confederacy, remains the bloodiest day in the history of the United States to this day; 25,000 casualties of whom 4,000 were killed. So it was not without some trepidation that we embarked on our latest...