by Colonel Scipio | Feb 13, 2016
Welcome to the latest episode in our Two Splendid Lines 6mm campaign. This is a series of linked battles, following all the battles of the Fourth Texas through the Civil War. We've already fought Eltham's Landing and Gaines' Mill, now it's time for Second Manassas,...
by Colonel Scipio | Jan 11, 2016
Welcome to the first proper game of Two Splendid Lines, our 6mm regimental-focused ACW game! I think I'll let the pictures (properly captioned) do most of the talking. This was a small snapshot of the 4th Texas attacking the Federal positions on top of Turkey Hill...
by Colonel Scipio | Dec 31, 2015
Today I'm going to share a playtest of the 6mm regimental game I'm writing - tentatively named Two Splendid Lines, from a Union officer who observed Pickett's Charge and so described that fateful advance. The aim aim is to represent command and leadership of a...
by Colonel Scipio | Nov 30, 2015
Hello again! First off, apologies for not being on all the way through November; I've been living in a dusty hole all month in Cyprus. But fear not, wargaming was never very far from my mind and with my latest purchases I have an idea for another ACW game. I...