by Peter Ball | May 28, 2014
As well as the 15mm ACW chaps, I've also been working on some of Peter Berry's 6mm lads. I decided to have a little test run of one of each kind of unit. The cavalry regiment here is twice the size of a normal one, because nine figures to me. So instead 18 men and...
by SpeedyFrenchy | Jun 3, 2013
The second battalion for my 6mm army, this time it's the turn of the 42 Highland. I'm slowly working my way through Mj. Gen. Denis Pack's brigade, then the rest of Picton's 5th Division.These are more Baccus 6mm figures, based in the same manner as the previous...
by Avicenna | May 29, 2013
The marine as he stands now... green, yellow and black are mostly done, but I have a fair bit to do on his cloak. I am unhappy with the way is coming on and have tried numerous colour combinations and am now thinking the whole cloak needs to be covered in scales (or...
by Avicenna | May 7, 2013
A post over on Platoon Britannica got me thinking about trying my hand at a 6mm piece...! There was a challenge to paint an Epic 40k Space Marine Terminator in roughly an hour. I must admit, not having many/any epic minis it soon slipped my mind but this weekend I...
by SpeedyFrenchy | Apr 24, 2013
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to yet another project.This is the start of a 6mm army, based around Sir Thomas Picton's 5th Division during the Hundred Day's campaign of 1815 - usable at both Quatre Bras & Waterloo.I'm using Baccus' 6mm Napoleonic range, which...