The Storm is upon us..

The Storm is upon us..

 Last night I got in a 1000 point game for the Escalation League, sadly it started a bit late and now I'm paying for it haha.. Much tired .. But it was a good game and it went a little better for my guard this time. Josh had a terrible turn 2 missing or failing...
In a future reality I shall destroy you..

In a future reality I shall destroy you..

 I finished up some of the small details I wanted to work on before .. it was a few small things here and there. I added some blue over glow to the bands on the torso under the arm. Added a little more detail to the rear icon and a little over glow to...
A fine haul..

A fine haul..

Yesterday I mentioned that I picked up some models from a collection someone sold at my LGS. The collection was Eldar, Blood Angels and some Tau. There wasn't anything I had to have but was some things I could use and was given a good price so I didn't pass it...
Respect and Honor

Respect and Honor

This weekend was the second round of the Escalation League I'm running at the LGS (Chucks Comics). I figured I'd make up a Guard list to try if I needed to step in. It's been awhile since I've played them and I really should have read the new book a little better...
The path is never clear..

The path is never clear..

 I started updating the Seer a little bit last night, not too much so far, removed all the flock from the base and sprayed it with the same purple as the warp flames. Right now it's just the rough spray, I'll be going back and cleaning it up but I think it looks...