by a Sent One | Feb 23, 2013
Learned a couple rules from the other nights game.Wraithsight 4th ed Eldar Codex pg 47At the start of its own turn, roll a D6 for each Wraithlord that is not within 6" of a friendly psyker.Context: In the game the other day I asked if a Wraithlord was within 12" of...
by a Sent One | Jan 31, 2013
40k'ers I have a couple 6th ed Rules I would like your feedback on. I have my own opinion regarding these two rules questions, looking for others opinion. Thank you in advance.Biomancy; Iron Arm 40k6 mini-rule book pg 143Iron Arm is a blessing that targets...
by a Sent One | Jan 25, 2013
Here are rules that came up during Tues nights game.I love Typhus. Best Chaos Space Marine HQ in my opinion. Really its the model. The model is badass. Oh, if you have the chance ask Bryan about his Typhus.Slow and Purposeful 40k6 pg 47A...
by a Sent One | Jan 19, 2013
Repetition and Redundancy: keys to learning. Covered a couple of things and learned something new.Sweeping Advance 40k6 pg 26In a unit with mixed Initiative characteristics, use the highest - we can assume the quicker-witted individuals in the unit guide the...
by a Sent One | Jan 18, 2013
ieuan, had a great question on a recent Rules of the Game post."In a recent game we had an issue with troops disembarking from a Storm Raven at locked velocity, not sure if they can or can't."After a lengthy search I posted an answer. Incorrect answer...