6th ed Rules of the Game: Split Fire FAQ and Wrecked

Here are a couple of more rules from last game.JJ typing, 40K RULEBOOK v1.4 APRIL13 page 2Page 42 - Split FireChange the last sentence to "'Once the shooting attack has been resolved, resolve the shooting attacks made by the rest of the unit.  These must be at a...

6th ed Rules of the Game: Fire Points and Prism Cannon Lance

Here are a couple of rules from last game.JJ typing, Fire Points Grey Knights 5th ed codex pg 33Fire Points: Two models can fire from the Rhinos [sic] top hatch.Context: Purifiers inside Rhino was shooting at a Wave Serpent.  Shawn and Connor were talking...

6th ed Rules of the Game: Cover Saves edition

This post specifically covers Cover Saves and their impact on a recent game.JJ typing, as always giving credit where credit is due.  Thanks to Hulksmash for taking a few moments at FOYCON last year to confirm this information.  We were saying the same thing...