by a Sent One | Dec 29, 2014
Here is the last set of rules from my the Noir Engel and Eldar game.JJ typing,Rapid Fire, 40k7 pg 43Rapid Fire Weapons (firer cannot assault).Context: For some reason I thought if you rapid fired with one shot at 12", which isn't an option, you can still assault....
by a Sent One | Dec 28, 2014
Here's another set of rules from last game.JJ typing,Shooting at Artillery, 40k7 pg 64If shooting at an Artillery unit, the Toughness of the guns is always used whilst at lesat one gun remains.Context: Tactical squad was shooting at Vaul Wraith Weapon Support....
by a Sent One | Dec 24, 2014
This is my second 7th ed game under my belt came new rules and situations. Feels good to make these posts again.JJ typing,Battle Focus 6th ed Eldar, pg 25A unit that contains only models wiht the Battle Focus special rule can either shoot and then Run, or Run...