Another Army Completed!

So I've continued to get more BattleTech completed this week.  Over the last couple days I've finished up my 8th Donegal Guard regiment.  I had two of the battalions completed previously and then the 3rd Battalion was just partially painted.  So without...

Void Lions, Donegal Guard, and Dreadtober!!!

So let's start the month of October off with a blog post.  The past month or so of work has been a lot more demanding than it normally is but it hopefully looks like it's starting to calm down a lot more now.  But we'll see, cause as we all know, nothing is...

Working on the List

So I've started making progress on the giant to do list that was the last blog post.  First up is the 8th Donegal Guard.  I've got the Battalion Command lance and 2 other lances ready for basing material.  The Hussar leading 3 Mercuries is my favorite...

One Done, One Started, and a New Begining

So the 2 Battalions of the 8th Donegal Guard are now completed.  I finished basing the last company yesterday which was 1st Battalion's C Company.C CompanyFirst Lance    Captain Octavius Kreuger, Griffin    1st Lt. Nicole Summers,...

More Donegal Guard

 So made some progress on my 8th Donegal Guard.  I finished the 1st Battalion's command lance and then 2nd Battalion's F Company.  I'm off work tomorrow so planning on getting the whole group so far with a clear coat layer to finish them off. 1st...