Who Are The Palladian Guard: The Soldiers

My last fluff update was an overview of the current situation on and around Palladia.  Now, we're going to go a bit more into detail with the lives of the ordinary Palladian soldiers.  A lot of the fluff focuses on the commanders and heroes, so this will give you a...

Who Are The Palladian Guard: The Edethor Campaign

Recently Zzzzz of Devos IV fame did a post summarising the Liberation Campaign so far. It was a very enjoyable read (as always), and it got me thinking about my own fluff. A lot of mine is written in an 'in universe' style, which makes it very biased. Also, there is a...

The Raid: Part II

"Staggered line! Advance!"  Falconius whispered into his throat-mike. Hi guys and gals, thanks for stopping by for Part II of my rediscovered short story.  Thanks for all the comments on Part I, so without further ado... “Staggered line! Advance!” Falconius whispered...

The Raid: Part I

Hi everybody!  Thanks for stopping by again - I was trawling through my computer and came across this little gem, a short story I wrote a few years back.  It was intended as a write-up for a kill team game a mate played against my Imperial Guard. I always like my...