Tale of Four Gamers: Let’s Try This Again! Rules

Right, so a bit of a rehash from last year, with the dates changed (obviously) so let's try once again to get this Tale started...ParticipantsGingeKenChrisRichFrom the mutterings about who is interested in collecting what, it seems we'll have two broadly aligned...

An Impending Tale, An Impending Dilemma

So a while back myself and some friends almost started a Tale of Four Gamers, but then life interfered, and we pushed it back a bit... we are planning to start afresh in September, so i'll finally continue that Tzeencth force I did a couple units of horrors for...And...

Tale Postponed

Sadly due to heavy work commitments on the part of one of the participants we shall be postponing our Tale of Four Gamers till August.As I had been gearing up to paint my tzeentch forces I am going to continue as planned with those, and pick a new force for the Tale...

Unexpected Consequences

The law of unintended consequences came to fruition today, here in the New Revolutionary States, as the revolutionary leaders aim to truly drain the swamp did not take into account the drastic drop in the average human IQ over the past half century. Full of verve and...

It Begins…

Deep in the mists of time, in a period long forgotten by imperial records, and remembered only by the emperor himself, a revolution quietly brews. There are utterances of dissent, but not too many, for those who speak loudly of their distrust in their betters soon...