Amera River Sections – A Review

As A Tale of Two Armies series ramps ever upwards towards the 3,000 point total and an almighty game of fisticuffs I started thinking about the different types of scenery that could give the games a bit of zing. And those lovely people at Amera obliged me with a...

A Tale of Two Armies: Genesis of a Hero

As part of A Tale of Two Armies one of the things we wanted to look at, as part of the wider narrative, was how hero and villain of the piece evolved from our early conversations to the characters they’ll become at the series’ conclusion. I elected to go...

Chaos Dragon Ogres – A Review

As we’re closing in on Christmas I thought I’d cram in one more review for the ongoing A Tale of Two Armies series and a unit that will feature in my 2,000 point list. The Dragon Ogres were always a unit I wanted in my Chaos army of old but never bothered...

A Tale of Two Armies – Chapter 2

Ahead of the narrative to go with the 1,000 point game Lee and I played a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to write a middle part to set the scene, if you will. von Strauss grunted with satisfaction as Baduk’s axe impacted against the chest of his beastman opponent...

Empire Demigryph Knights – A Review

The second unit of reinforcements for my 1,000 point list comes in the form of the new and very promising Demigryph Knights.  I mentioned in the Wizard review I needed to give my force some more teeth, well it turned out to be some beak instead.  And claws, lots of...