A Tale of Two Armies – 1,000 point lists

As we hurtle towards the end of October we’re also fast approaching the next game Lee and I slog out for A Tale of Two Gamers. This month it’s a one thousand point game of fisticuffs. Surprisingly it was me that took the longest to write my army list as...

Skullcrushers of Khorne – A Review

As we’re well into the second month of A Tale of Two Armies I thought it was about time I wrote about one of the units that would make up the next 500 points of my army. The rest being made up of the Chaos Knights that I reviewed at the start of the month. I...

A Tale of Two Armies – Game 1 Post-Mortem

With the first game of this series now under our belts, Lee and I offer up our thoughts on how the game went from our perspectives and our thoughts on how our new armies performed. First up is the defender of the Empire… Well that was quite easily the closest...

A Tale of Two Armies – Chapter 1

Lee and I finally got around to playing the first game of A Tale of Two Armies. 500 points a piece for a bit of Fantasy Battle fisty-cuffs. To say it was a blood bath is a bit like saying Khorne quite likes skulls. Rather than write battle reports we’ll be...

ODAM 9 – The Great Unclean One

It’s that time again boys and girls! In this episode of the renowned international podcast coalition we welcome back long-lost John (@thefrostyaussie) back from being a giant pussy for a summer. No really. Ashley, Jason, Nate & Adam and I are also there and...