Rackham Dwarves for Sale!

I'm selling a selection of OOP metal Rackham dwarf models to thin out my sizable collection and, more importantly, pay some bills. If interested, click here and bid because once they're gone, they're gone! Models on sale are shown below: 

Just an orphan….

Because I have a massive amount of free time due to being out of work, I'm plowing through the minis from Kickstarters that have been languishing on the To-Do pile. So, this gun-toting orphan from Lead Adventure's Denizens of the Smog is just the first. Expect some...

First Mini of the Year!

A freelance biologis researcher equally at home in games of INQ-28 or Shadows of Brimstone, this fellow was a relatively simple conversion involving drilling out the metal elf head of a Reaper elf alchemist and attaching a Lead Adventure kickstarter reward head. I...