Day of 40k. November style!

So another hugely satisfying day of 40k gaming for us at The Tredegar Reavers, 2 large games of 40k went on and Huws Pirate game made a splash too. This post however, is dedicated to the game I participated in, a nice chunky game of 40k.We had two opposing sides,...

Monday Night CHAOS.

So last night we gave the new Chaos Codex a go. Louis and Chris, to avid Chaos followers (feel free to spit in the heretics faces ha) played me and Bam. Louis took Abbadon, Sorceror, two cultist squads, and three two man obliterator squads. Chris took Kharn,...

Chaos Codex Flick Through.

Thought I'd do a little video flicking through the new Chaos Codex, I don't go too indepth, but its a quick peek into how the book looks. I also mention the post before subject about the slayer sword... Enjoy!