Prep for ‘Ard Boyz

For those who don't reside in the US, Ard Boyz is a free,nationwide tournament that is 2500 points, with entrance level tournaments all across the country and semi-finals/finals in preset locations. Anywho, to cut to the chase, I have four armies, each of which I have...

‘Ard Boyz Concept part 2

Ork 'Ard BoyzIt's been a while ago that I published my first 'Ard Boy concept here on my blog and now I'm back working on that project again. I got loads of possitive feedback on my first 'Ard Boy so now I am working on the other 10 Boyz in armour.I aim for a unit of...

‘Ard Boyz semi-finals summary

Well the 2011 40k 'Ard Boyz semis are done. Not as good a showing as I would have liked placing 8th out of 10 people who showed up. Definately goes to show that practice is good. Still had lots of fun and even managed to get a door prize! (which will be added to the...

‘Ard Boyz semi-finals scenarios up

They finally put up the 40k 'Ard Boyz semi-finals scenarios here. Seems a little better written than the prelims. They appear to be pushing armies with lots of scoring units but I suppose that's good for them as people will want to buy more models. One of the three...

Preaprin’ for ‘ard boyz: Warhammer 40K style

Okay folks, lets see some lists. Sure, some want to keep it secret, but those who know me know pretty much what i'm bringin' anyway. The Orks of Waaagh! Karnage are out to cause mayhem. Win, Lose, Draw, we are out to give all of our opponents a fight.I did not go with...