Armour in April Final Roundup

It's been a very productive month of April for me. I got a lot of work done across a variety of projects. Unfortunately not all of them were hulls for #armourinapril.The two Leman Russ tanks are ready for the final detailing pass. The Salamander Scout is waiting on...

Armour in April 3rd Update

The third week of #ArmourinApril is over. Not too much painting got done this week, but I did bring the Thunderer to life so I feel like it's a fair trade. I did get it and the second of my eBay rescue Leman Russ hulls painted up to the same point as the tanks last...

Paint Table Saturday

Working on lots of tanks this week as #ArmourinApril continues. And I managed to complete a character for Inquisitor Draco's retinue, so that's one down and three to go.Finally, I got my 'The Guilder' mini from Mad Robot Miniatures. He came today and I'm gonna try and...

Thunderer Siege Tank 001

One of my favorite thing to do is convert models. If you've been following my blog for any length of time I think this is pretty clear. For #armourinapril I decided I wanted to add another hull to my collection so I turned to the Pile of Grey Shame to see about...

Armour in April 2nd Update

The end of the second week of the month is here and #armourinapril rolls on.This week saw me get some rare morning painting done before work. I'm usually up quite a bit before I need to leave the house anyways so I may try and capitalize on this previously unrealized...