Aurelius Quinctius Tricostus

I recently stumbled upon the really interesting kickstarter campaign Colony 87. Even though the description speaks of generic sci-fi miniatures the link to the 40K universe can’t be overlooked. What a lovely idea! The whole Games Workshop production of both...

Explosive Surprises

I am still working on the Battle for Macragge set and would like to present the finished spore mines today. Quite a colourful sight we have here. But that’s the way I want my Xenos to look like even though jokes about Willy Wonka’s Tyranids are at hand....

Xenos Infestation

Not much to see here today. As I’ve said in an earlier post, Flattervieh and me are about to recreate our own Version of the Battle for Macragge startermissions. The Tyranid objective markers were due first. Tyranid Objective Markers

Crash Landing

Now that the Stormclaw Box is soon upon us I had to think of GW campaign sets again and how much I’ve always liked them. Back in the day when I was playing regular Warhammer the box sets like Circle of Blood really got me. As an Undead Player and my friend the...