Zone mortalis

By TheGraveMind I was at Mallet master's place and called him out on a game. I have the worst luck at zone. Aka I never won, so Mallet master was gracious enough to not play his Eldar.  He brought 5 assault marines with two flamers and a power axe, five tacticals with...

Going to the Indy Open

By TheGraveMind So GravyGhost, knowsaj, and I are planning on attending the Indy Open yet again this year. We're going to try and prove that us Indiana folk know how to rock it hard! If you haven't heard of it, Here you go. Check it out, sign up and we hope to see you...

Zone of mortalis

I was just excited to use swarmlord Played a game of zone of mortalis at battlemallet this week and it was awesome. I played tyranids in my first two games and dusted of my sisters of battle in my last game but due to battery life only got pictures of the tyranids. I...