Battle for Vedros…. Coming to the UK!

This last summer brought the Battle for Vedros to North America, at least to parts of it. It's been one of those hard things to find in most places across the country, but it is spreading out as more stores are starting to carry the box sets.Now........ The Battle...

Battle for Vedros. Where is it now?

These have been out for awhile now, since June. However, just because they are out, does not mean that they are available in your area. In fact it may be quite hard to track these down currently, but that doesn't mean the store lists for them are not expanding all...

The Battle for Vedros Coming to Europe

The Battle for Vedros is coming to Europe according to the latest whispers. While not quite out yet in the US, it's expected sometime this summer.Read more »

Battle for Vedros Release Date

So far the offical word has mostly been "this summer". The Battle for Vedros is coming at the onset of summer according to the latest bit of information. This will expand the hobby to new audiences, and I for one am looking forward to it. Right now though,...