New FW Necron Release

I'll be the first to admit, I'm not a huge fan of Necrons. I can see the appeal, but its just not something that makes me look and want to collect them. Forge World have however released some new Necron bits that will most likely tie into the imminent release of the...

The Tale of Two Warlords: Introduction to Destruction

What better way to start the new year than a challenge with a rivalling Chaos Warlord? Exactly, there is no better way...Me and Adam over at Nurgle Command have concocted a challenge: to come up with the best and most feared warlord, representative characters of the...

Khorne to the Curb

Battle report time! I was up against Chaos again this week, but in the form of Chris' Khorne Bezerkers. Last time we played it was fairly close, and fielding the new Helldrake this promised to be a difficult affair! I did however have a couple of new tricks up my...