Team Yankee: The Rules

By CaulynDarrI've been waiting for Flames of War Modern since I started playing Flames of War, and finally it's here.  Well, the rules and Americans at least.  The Russians won't arrive till this weekend due to manufacturing delays.  Here's my...

Kickstarters, The FTC Can See You Now!

By CaulynDarrYou can't hide foreverThe FTC came down on the creator of The Doom that Came to Atlantic City kickstarter, and they've got a warning for other creators out there using crowd funding. Here’s what you or your business can learn from this case, so that...

Dust Dramas Part XXVI

By CaulynDarrAnd like sands of the hour glass, these are the days of our lives.Dead game is dead at this point.  Last week Paolo sent out a message saying Dust Studios relationship status went from "It's Complicated" to "Single".  Battlefront took their...

This 3D Printer Will Kill Resin & Metal Casting

by SandWyrmThis is a time-lapse video (7x normal speed), but you're still talking about 6 minutes for a mini the size of a 40K figure, with extra-crisp and smooth detail.Now imagine a production line version of this thing where instead of one dip-head, you have 20 or...