Gencon: Battlefront

Gencon: Battlefront

by SandWyrmNext up in terms of an impressive Gencon showing is Battlefront. Two years ago, the Battlefront booth was nothing but Flames of War products. Last year the Flames merchandise was limited to one shelf section and an order form. But today there wasn't a...

Flames of War: Open Fire – A Review

A couple of years ago I said I’d never play a World War II game. I said I didn’t feel comfortable with it seeing as it actually happened. Since then I’ve come to understand two things. 1. The logic of refusing to play a World War II game whilst being...

The Elefants Have Arrived!

  Waiting for me when I got back from work today were my three new German Elefant Tank Hunters. These three vehicles alone are worth more in points than my ten Soviet KV-1 tanks. I will post some more shots once they are built.   And here are five of my KV-1...

Flames of War, Hunting on the Eastern Front

Well since moving and due to a general lack of space for anything 40k related at home I have been looking at Flames of War again. Its smaller 15mm scale makes my small living room floor makes for a much better battlefield when the tanks are only 2 inches long! (that...

Unused Star Wars Battlefront Concepts

So, Star Wars Battlefront 3 wasn't even finished (let alone cancelled) when we tried to get number 4 off the ground at the now defunct Free Radical Design (now Crytek UK)So here a few pages of concepts produced for a game that never saw the light of...