FFotW – The Battle of Finuval Plain

FFotW – The Battle of Finuval Plain

Battle of Finuval Plain from HoodlingToday again something more hoby related. Perhaps some of you remember the last massive battlereport from Hoodling (The Battle of Hel Fenn) I posted a while ago. And he and his mad crew did it again: An unbelievable battle(report)...

How to Play/BatRep – Flames of War on BoW

Normally I am not into historical wargaming. My time when I played with tanks and build those fantastic Revell kits is looong ago. I even had some trenches and bunkers then.But yesterday the second part of a introduction of Flames of War was uploaded from Beasts of...

Battle Report – Dark Elves vs. Empire: Battle Two

The forces ready themselves for battleAs promised in my last battle report there is another battle we did on our "Warhammer Battleday". As said, Labschi had only one army list ready, so we decided to give it another try and didn't change our setup for...

Battle Report – Dark Elves vs Empire: Battle One

I smell a battle comingLord Xanthus looked at his small warband and grinned: The small human village would bring him enough slaves to refill the flock in his mines. The only thing between him and his slaves were those pesky human soldiers who readied there weapons. He...

Picking up the gauntlet

Finally! The next battle(s) between my Dark Elves and the Empire Army from Labschi looms on the horizon. Today we will have a smaller battle (maybe two) of 1250 points. We had the thing planned to be a massive game with the ETC comp but decided to play a smaller game...