40K Companion Example – A Warhammer 40K Phase-By-Phase Helper

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s been some time since I got anything significant done on 40K Companion. Christmas, New Year and work has got in the way. But I’ve recently got a little time in on it and made some fairly useful changes. And now I have...

40K Companion – A Warhammer 40K Phase-By-Phase Helper

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutesFor some time now I’ve been working on a new web-based tool for players of 40K. It’s based the fact that there are now masses of rules, and how I struggle with that – remembering everything including Guard. Orders,...
Fall of Night

Fall of Night

Last weekend I had the chance to get a game in, and I decided to take one of my "core" armies. It's been awhile since the Orks have had a chance to tangle with anyone, and since rumor has it that they will finally be getting a new codex, I figured I would take them....

Großartige Armeelisten-App für das Handy: Battlescribe

Ich bin häufig mit Bus, Bahn und anderen Verkehrsmitteln unterwegs, sitze stundenlang im Zug oder warte in Berliner Vorzimmern. Wer wie ich diese Zeit gerne kreativ und sinnvoll nutzt, der wird sich sicherlich darüber freuen, dass mit dem App...

Making the Webway Work

I finally tried out the Battlescribe app and it's pretty awesome. Before, I kept most of my lists in a spreadsheet on Google Drive but this makes it even easier and displays in a nicer format with all applicable rules appended at the end of the roster. Very handy...