Clan Ghost Bear Continues

We've got some more progress on the Clanners this weekend.  It's nice to keep being able to show progress and this group has made a nice change of pace from all the green of the Eridani Light Horse.First up I got the darker and lighter blue layers on three more...

Ghost Bear Progress and Air Support

Well we've got a bit of progress to show this week.  So the Grizzly and first Mad Cat got their black dots under smaller white dots added to the paint scheme and then the green basing and a last wash over the basing.  Overall, not too bad at all I...

Return of the Clans (AKA Betrayers of the Star League)

So when putting together my Eridani Light Horse, specifically the 21st Striker Regiment that I started with, I included some Clan Mechs under the guise of salvage for use in later era games.  But it bugged me a bit as I'm not a huge fan of the clans to start...

Bolt Action and BattleTech

So this past Saturday I got a 1000 point game of Bolt Action in against Bob's American Paratroopers.  I took my British Paras with a bit of support.  I had 3 squads of 8 paras with 7 rifles and an LMG each (though the LMGs never fired the entire game as I...

Death From Above

So I've gotten 4 of the Robotech Tactics models put together to use as Phoenix Hawk LAMs.  I used the Guardian mode variant to make them stand out from a regular Phoenix Hawk.  While the other Robotech models for the Warhammer, Longbow, Rifleman, and Archer...