Gencon: The Pictures

by SandWyrmDue to a previous obligation, I was only able to attend the first two days of Gencon this year, and those were almost entirely spent playing in two Flames of War tournaments. So I didn't get to spend more than about 45 minutes wandering the vendor halls...

Kickstarter: The Gift that Keeps On Giving… Disappointment

By CaulynDarrExcept for this, this was awesome.Consider me off the Kickstarter train.  Two bits of news dropped pre-Gencon this week that pretty much invalidated all the little remaining value I still had out of two of my largest Kickstarter investments.I've...

More SAGA Vikings And A Bit More BattleTech

So I got a box of plastic multipart vikings from Hammer of the Gods The Dark Ages line.  It's a nice plastic kit from Wargames Factory that will make 32 figures with plenty of options between spears, axes, swords, bows, and shields.  There are only 4 body...

SAGA Vikings Progress and Some BattleTech

So I've started getting some paint on my Viking war band the last couple days.  I've also been rereading through the rules over and over while watching some of the battle reports out there.  The more I look over it, the more and more I like this...

Battletech Progress

So I had an extra day off work this week for the last of my comp days for the holidays.  It was nice being able to spend a whole day napping, resting, and then another nap.  Normally I spend one day off on errands and such and one day off on laundry and...