Battletech Terrain

Battletech Terrain

So I was digging in the bits box this morning as well as in some boxes of old stuff and I came across some things that gave me an idea for CBT terrain.  I give you my version of an HPG station.  (Bills will be via ComStar, no Wobblies...
So I’m Still Around ….

So I’m Still Around ….

Work this past 5 weeks has been a real pain with a major inventory that just took place at the end of this past week.  Since I'm salary management, that means I "get all the overtime I want".  Which translated into me getting all of three days off in the...
Yes, I’m Still Here, and Some BattleTech

Yes, I’m Still Here, and Some BattleTech

Ok, so I'm a bit overdue on a blog post, apologies for that.  Between the latest attempt at a local game store closing and my new work schedule, a bit over half my gaming opportunities have gone the way of the squats, extinct.  In fact I've gotten exactly 2...
Eridani Light Horse

Eridani Light Horse

So work and such has been a bit of a bear lately, plus I've had a new nephew born this past Thursday, so I've not gotten as much hobby related stuff done as I had hoped to.  I have been able to do a bit of trading online plus a purchase off a buddy at the last...
Some BattleTech and Some Ramblings

Some BattleTech and Some Ramblings

So I had planned for this evening to be another fairly large BattleTech post since I have a couple small orders coming to finish off the 7th Striker Battalion.  Unfortunately one of those orders has been sitting in an Ohio USPS facility for the past 3 days while...