Review – Ravage Gaming Magazine #9

By good fortune, I got my hands on another copy of the Ravage Miniatures Gaming Magazine: Issue #9, after Ravage #5 I read in January and again in a printed version, and not for the iPad. Time for a review! This issue is titled August-September 2013, so it isn’t...

Golem Arcana Kickstarts – Is it Good for Half a Million?

Back in July, first pictures and ideas were revealed for Golem Arcana, a “digitally enhanced” tabletop miniatures game from the makers Shadowrun Returns, Battletech and other things. The game is hitting the miniatures gaming niche from the video-game side...

LEGO- Madcat on the Prowl

Welcome to Picture of the Day, where I display a  sweet pic of something amazing that I've seen around the tubes, or took myself at an event! If you click on the Picture of the Day label you'll be able to scroll through some great Warhammer related...


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Battletech unseen mech…er, Robotech kickstarter

OK, I resisted as long as I could, but I succumbed to the Robotech miniatures kickstarter.   Maybe the game itself will be fun too, but mainly I'm looking at it as a good way to get a ton of plastic mechs for Battletech, especially as they are the designs from the...