BattleTech, BattleTech, and Then Some Bolt Action

So with a major retail holiday upon us, I've not really had any free hobby time.  Between family things and work, it's just been a hectic couple weeks for me.  However I did manage to get a few things done and this will be as much a progress report as...

Another Army Completed!

So I've continued to get more BattleTech completed this week.  Over the last couple days I've finished up my 8th Donegal Guard regiment.  I had two of the battalions completed previously and then the 3rd Battalion was just partially painted.  So without...

Back To Some BattleTech

So while Dreadtober was very exciting and feed into my love of Dreadnoughts, I had to take a break from them even though I still need to complete the Chaplain Dreadnought.  So it was time to get some stuff off the to do list and finish off some more armies. ...

WIP’s 2……

I suppose I should stop building and start painting, but this train has no brakes. I've been making minis of models I want but have no space for.  Agni from Armored Core Verdict Day. He's heavily armed because... well, he's an Armored Core. Yes, that's a MWO Dragon...

No Dreads This Time

Well, this update is a bit later than I had planned and not on the subject I had wanted.  But between work being about to hit the yearly inventory and the sudden weather changes hitting me with plenty of allergy/sinus issues it's been a pain in the butt of a week...