Half A Week Late

Well, this is about half a week after I had intended to get this up, but here it finally is.  The Saturday night before last I got my second game of 8th Edition 40K in, this time against Cheef and his Orcs.  It was a very close fun game and I'm glad to...

One Done, One Started, and a New Begining

So the 2 Battalions of the 8th Donegal Guard are now completed.  I finished basing the last company yesterday which was 1st Battalion's C Company.C CompanyFirst Lance    Captain Octavius Kreuger, Griffin    1st Lt. Nicole Summers,...

More Donegal Guard

 So made some progress on my 8th Donegal Guard.  I finished the 1st Battalion's command lance and then 2nd Battalion's F Company.  I'm off work tomorrow so planning on getting the whole group so far with a clear coat layer to finish them off. 1st...

MWO Battlemechs Part 2

Continuing on with MWO designs (well, 4/5 of them, anyway, here's 'mechs numbers six through ten. Good thing for my wallet there aren't that many more out so far.  If you flip through the 3025 book you'll see that the mechs all have sibling designs in similar...

Donegal Guard Progress

So taking advantage of being on vacation, I continued to make some progress on the 8th Donegal Guard.  The unit is coming along nicely but I'm now not only out of my base paint but also my autumn flocking for the bases.  So while I go back to work tomorrow,...