ComGuard Additions and Terrain

So the ComGuard in BattleTech, even though they use a funky 6 in a lance set-up, are a combined arms unit like the Star League Defense Force that was their predecessor.  While I have a number of tanks in the Eridani Light Horse Regiment and leftover from the...

Battletech and a Bit More Battletech

So we've got some progress on the ComGuard force on both the miniature and fluff side of things.  The force is now part of the 7th ComGuard Division under Precentor Xavier Stoughton.  This unit is currently stationed on Galedon V in the Draconis Combine and...

Progress Continues Slowly

So I got the second squad of Fire Warriors assembled.  I also got a second Crisis Suit and the starter box Cadre Fireblade model put together as well.  This should give me enough models to easily field a force for a Kill Team game.  I still have a...

Time To Get Going Again

I know, it's been a while.  The holidays were a bit rough at work due to personnel reasons and then my computer decided to pack it in during the midst of all that.  But it's all straightened out now and we're ready to go again.  So, while little...

Crows and Some Things That Flies

So even though I was out of town most of the past week, I did manage to continue making progress on my BattleTech mercenary force Flock of Crows.  The Second Company command lance, Second Company alpha lance, Third Company command lance, and Third Company third...