I hope I’ve seen the last of that miserable usurper.

Seer Fideleon they approach.Was the warning sent?Twice and ignored twice.We had to try, the threads showed it was but a small chance. Now we have no choice.The Reapers and Rangers have taken to the ridge line to give the Serpents covering fire.Good, notify...

Eldar keeping it real

Baiel Kair Tain sat in the Dome of Seers resting against one of the numerous crystalline trees. He could not recall how long he had been in meditation but his muscles were stiff and sore from the lack of activity. He had been drawn from his revere by the...

Come at me BRO!

First off I want to say Mephiston is a BEAST! I got in a game with my friend Sean as he's trying to get ready for a Tourney and wanted to test some 1850 lists. I was off (sort of if you count the fact I've been working on the room a ton and it's almost...