Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus GBT-49 Grizzly Tank

Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus GBT-49 Grizzly Tank

I'm going to do quite a lot of new Warzone unboxings now when my Wave two of the Kickstarter stuff arrived some time ago. First up of these are the Heavy vehicle for Bauhaus and one of most iconic vehicles in the Mutant Chronicles universe, the Grizzly Tank. There was...
Miniature Monday: Warriors of Chaos repaint? and tokens..

Miniature Monday: Warriors of Chaos repaint? and tokens..

Some of you might now I'm a real sucker for repainting my armies (I'm currently in the process of repainting my ex ungreenskinz for example). Until now I was content with how much of my WoC army looks. It is one thing that do bother me a little though, my blue...
Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus Etoiles Mortant

Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus Etoiles Mortant

Another box that got updated from the Kickstarter version is the Etoiles Mortant models. The first ones weren't bad at all, but was little bit tricky to clean and assemble and also had quite odd poses.The new box I got has the same design but much better poses,...
Battle Report: WZ:R Bauhaus vs. Dark Legion 500 Pts

Battle Report: WZ:R Bauhaus vs. Dark Legion 500 Pts

So I have now played my second WZ.R game ever and this is the first Battle Report I do for the system so bare with me that we probably play a lot of the rules wrong (I have realized plenty of stuff already), but hey that's how you learn right? Also this Battle Report...
Miniature Monday: House Valmonte Distortion Device

Miniature Monday: House Valmonte Distortion Device

Sometimes it's the little things that make that something extra, like tokens for example. In Warzone: Resurrection we have a lot of different tokens, but no models for them (yet at least) so we have make our own and that is really fun in my opinion. So when I did...