by Johan Märs | Apr 12, 2014
The first goal before Gothcon is to finish my Bauhaus starter set. And now it is finally completed! Now I only have one week to go and on that time I want to finish paint up Alakhai and five Undead Legionnaries, and If I do this and have some spare time I want to do...
by Johan Märs | Apr 7, 2014
I was working on my Dwarf Gyrocopter and thought I would show you that one this Mini Monday. But as I want to attend Gothcon in ten days I need to finish two of my Warzone starters so the work on that one had to halt.Instead I have this mission, ten days to complete:5...
by Johan Märs | Mar 24, 2014
In the first year after their founding, the Venusian Rangers were deployed in the 23rd Lowlands sector where they sacked and destroyed the Citadel of the Nepharite Overlord Argonath. Since then, they have gone on to win countless battle honours in the name of Bauhaus...
by Johan Märs | Mar 17, 2014
For a woman of such young age and understated beauty one may be forgiven for underestimating Angelika's military credentials and battlefield prowess. Drachen though will not forgive you or you military inabilities, no matter your rank, sex or age. If you are the...