by Johan Märs | Jun 24, 2013
So another Monday and another weekly update about what I have been doing the last week. It actually started with not much hobby work at all as both my girlfriend and my daughter had their birthdays with a lot of celebrations and birthday parties and what not. But I...
by Johan Märs | Jun 17, 2013
So Monday again and here's what I have been doing lately in the hobby. I have been dabbling into a couple of projects really and not really finished anything accept the Empire Grey Wizard I posted yesterday. Other than that I pretty much continue on the stuff I...
by Johan Märs | Jun 10, 2013
I don't have many regular segment posts at the moment but that is about to change. This Miniature Monday weekly update idea came originally from Heelanhammer I think, where we practically just showed what we are painting or doing hobby wise right now and put it on...
by Johan Märs | Jun 5, 2013
A while ago I did any painting update, sorry for that have been quite busy with a lot of other things lately I'm afraid. But I have finished painting up this little dude which is a Bauhaus Ducal Militia Sergeant. This is the third attempt at what colour scheme I want...
by KrautScientist | Jan 11, 2013
In the last installment of Totally Worth It, I talked about a pretty well recognised classic: The Inquisitor Rulebook. But this series would be extraordinarily boring if it only dealt with well-known stuff, so for today I have chosen something a bit more obscure: A...