Bay Area Open 2015 Wrap Up and all 119 Photos I took!

The Bay Area Open 2015 is all wrapped up. Pajama Pants takes his 3rd GT title in 3 months with pure daemons with his win at the BAO, congratulations Alan! More after the break. As a review here was my list. Salamander Battle Demi-Company Vulkan He'stan Command Squad...

Road to the Bay Area Open 2015 Part 3: Tha List…

As of 3:30pm Travis, Adam, David and I will be jammed into the CRV with all our armies and on our way to the Bay Area Open 2015. We'll have Necrons, a Whitescars battle company, crazy Khorne Daemonkin with a Kharybdis, and Salamanders in tow. That being said I thought...

Road to the Bay Area Open 2015 Part 2: Return to Sanity

Last post I discussed the blessings and the curses of a new codex so close to the Bay Area Open. While Ork players, Mike, may deride my very thought of anything about a new codex being a curse the nature of being forced into a new list is unsettling. I played a few...