Bay Area Open Qualifier 1-12-13!

In case you've missed the last few announcements for this here it is again!  This weekend, Saturday the 12th, Game Empire Pasadena will be hosting it's first tournament of 2013.  2013 marks the beginning of a new era in 40k tournaments at GE Pasadena.  This year there...

The 2013 Tournament Series at Game Empire!

There are events that would make both these guys happy! Hello Capture and Control! As many of you out there know, Game Empire Pasadena holds a Warhammer 40k tournament every second Saturday of the month. These tournaments have been wildly successful, at times pulling...

Setting the scene: BAO narrative event part 1

Here is the first installment of the BAO narrative events Back story.  A prelude to WarVarro the Forge Lord watched his allies’ ships burn as he stood on the command deck of the Slaughter class cruiser the Hateful Song. The reinforcements from Battlefleet Sargon...